
Course Description


Understand the concept and the ways of designing and improving customer journeys.

Be able to:

  • Design a customer journey from a service provider perspective
  • Design a customer journey from a customer perspective
  • Explore value propositions
  • Foster relationships
  • Keep engagement channels open
  • Shape demand
  • Design and evaluate service offerings
  • Align with and agree on service expectations
  • Co-create service experiences
  • Reach service value.

Justify your higher salary and promotion for job by preparing for ITIL®4.0 DSV certification.


IT Pros, IT managers, IT Product owners, IT customers and decision-makers

You will learn

  • Understand how customer journeys are designed
  • Know how to target markets and stakeholders
  • Know how to foster stakeholder relationships
  • Know how to shape demand and define service offerings
  • Know how to align expectations and agree details of services
  • Know how to onboard and offboard customers and users
  • Know how to act together to ensure continual value cocreation(service consumption / provisioning)
  • Know how to realize and validate service valueApply shift-left approach
  • Be able to prepare for the ITIL® 4.0 DSV certification exam.


Successful graduation from ITIL 4.0 Foundation training.

Course Program

  • Module 1. Introduction

    • Let’s Get to Know Each Other
    • Recap of the main ITIL 4 concepts
    • Course Introduction
  • Module 2. Customer journey

    • Customer journey big picture
    • Customer journey steps and concepts
    • Touchpoints and interactions
    • Measuring and improving
  • Module 3. Customer journey step 1. Explore

    • Know how to describe customer needs and internal and external factors that affect these.
    • Know how to identify service providers and explain their value propositions.
    • Understand the characteristics of markets.
    • Understand marketing activities and techniques.
  • Module 4. Customer journey step 2. Engage

    • Service Relationship Types
    • ­Building Service Relationships
    • Building and Sustaining Trust and Relationships
    • ­Analyzing Customer Needs
    • ­Managing Suppliers and Partners
  • Module 5. Customer journey step 3. Offer

    • Managing Demand and Opportunities
    • Specifying and Managing Customer Requirements
    • ­Designing Service Offerings and User Experience
    • ­Selling and Obtaining Service Offerings
  • Module 6. Customer journey step 4. Agree

    • Agreeing and Planning Value Co-creation
    • ­Negotiating and Agreeing a Service
  • Module 7. Customer journey step 5. Onboarding

    • Planning Onboarding
    • ­Fostering Relationships with Users
    • ­Providing User Engagement and Delivery Channels
    • ­Enabling Users for Service
    • Elevating Mutual Capabilities
    • ­Offboarding
  • Module 8. Customer journey step 6. Co-creating value

    • Service Mindset
    • ­Ongoing Service Interactions
    • ­Nurturing User Communities
  • Module 9. Customer journey step 7. Reaching value

    • Tracking Value Realization
    • Assessing and Reporting Value
    • ­Evaluating Value Realization and Improving Customer Journeys
    • Realizing value for the service provider
  • Module 10. ITIL 4.0 DSV module certification

    • ITIL certification schema and levels
    • DSV exam preparation
    • Mock up exam
    • Recommendations for preparation and taking the certification exam
    • Congratulations!

Course duration in hours:

16 hours

Course Schedule

Leave a request for corporate training *

* Corporate training ensures increased performance, compliance with higher professional standards, and the formation of an efficiently working team of specialists.


Danil Dintsis

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Learning price

3970 ₪